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Unlocking All Endings
Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster

Posted Nov 25, 2022


Table of contents

1- Introduction 2- Chris's Endings 3- Jill's Endings

There are 12 Endings you can unlock in Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster, 6 for Chris and 6 for Jill;

Some of these endings are similar in cutscenes but differ in how to unlock them;
Below are all the endings and how to unlock them.

Chris's Endings

Chris's Ending #1:

Finish the game with Jill and Rebecca.

Chris's Ending #2:

Finish the game with Rebecca (Jill not rescued)

Chris's Ending #3:

Finish the game with Jill (Rebecca killed by the Tyrant)

When facing the Tyrant on the helipad, let him kill Rebecca.

Chris's Ending #4:

Finish the game with Jill (Rebecca killed by the Hunter)

Don't go upstairs to save Rebecca from the Hunter.

Chris's Ending #5:

Finish the game alone (Rebecca killed by the Tyrant)

Chris's Ending #6:

Finish the game alone (Rebecca killed by the Hunter)

Jill's Endings

Jill's Ending #1:

Finish the game with Chris and Barry

Jill's Ending #2:

Finish the game with Barry (Chris not rescued)

Jill's Ending #3:

Finish the game with Chris (Barry killed by the Tyrant)

When facing the Tyrant on the helipad, let him kill Barry.

Jill's Ending #4:

Finish the game with Chris (Barry killed at the Altar)

Don't give Barry his gun at the Altar.

Jill's Ending #5:

Finish the game alone (Barry killed by the Tyrant)

Jill's Ending #6:

Finish the game alone (Barry killed at the Altar)

The End

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