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All Costumes in Resident Evil Zero

Posted Dec 1, 2022


Table of contents

1- Introduction 2- How to Change Costumes? 3- Rebecca's Default Costumes 4- Billy's Default Costumes 5- Rebecca's Free T-Shirts 6- Rebecca's Team Wesker Costume 7- Paid Costumes and T-Shirt

Starting up a new game, you would have all Costumes except for Rebecca's Team Wesker Costume.

Costumes and T-Shirts acquired from DLCs are also available.

How to Change Costumes?

To change your character's costume, open the inventory and click on your character's Personal Item (Mixing Set for Rebecca or Lighter for Billy) and click on "Switch" then click "Use" on the Briefcase and choose your costume.

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Rebecca's Default Costumes

Rebecca S.T.A.R.S. 2002 Costume:

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Rebecca Western Costume:

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Rebecca Leather Costume:

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Billy's Default Costumes

Billy Prisoner Costume:

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Billy Jacket Costume:

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Rebecca's Free T-Shirts

The "Resident Evil 0 Fan Design T-shirt Pack" DLC gives you 4 T-Shirts for Rebecca for free, simply go to this Link on Steam and download it.

Rebecca T-Shirt 1:

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Rebecca T-Shirt 2:

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Rebecca T-Shirt 3:

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Rebecca T-Shirt 4:

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Rebecca's Team Wesker Costume

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The only costume in the game that need to be unlocked is the Team Wesker Costume for Rebecca; you unlock it by completing Wesker Mode once;
Wesker Mode is unlocked by completing the game once.

By putting on this Costume you will get the Achievement "Welcome to Team Wesker".

Paid Costumes and T-Shirt

You can buy Costumes and T-Shirts as well through purchasing Resident Evil 0 DLCs on Steam.

Resident Evil 0 Costume Pack 1 DLC:

This Costume Pack includes Rebecca's Cheerleader Costume and Billy's Wolf Force Costume

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Resident Evil 0 Costume Pack 2 DLC:

This Costume Pack includes Rebecca's Nurse Costume and Billy's Cody Costume

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Resident Evil 0 Costume Pack 3 DLC:

This Costume Pack includes Rebecca's Sportswear Costume and S.T.A.R.S. 1997 Costume

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Resident Evil 0 Costume Pack 4 DLC:

This Costume Pack includes Rebecca's S.T.A.R.S. 1996 Costume and S.T.A.R.S. Prototype Costume

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Resident Evil 0 "Shadow of Fear" Rebecca T-shirt:

You get one T-Shirt for Rebecca

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To be honest, buying the costumes is a waste of money but if you want to buy Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster and Resident Evil Zero, and since buying bundles on Steam gives you a discount, you can buy the "Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle" on Steam for $10 when on sale which includes the 4 Costume Packs.

Resident Evil 1 HD Remaster is $5 on sale and it's the same for Resident Evil Zero, therefore, you can think of the Costume Packs as a bonus.

The End

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