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Side Quests in Ranch Simulator
(Guides, Rewards and Achievement)

Posted Jul 20, 2024


Table of contents

1- Introduction 2- Hunter Side Quests 3- Old Lady Side Quests 4- Old Man Side Quests 5- Achievement

In Ranch Simulator, you can take side quests from people and get rewarded with money or items.
These side quests consist of delivering items, cleaning properties and hunting animals.

Most quests can be re-taken infinitively.
You can only accept 2 side quests at a time (probably a bug since the game is in early-access).

In this guide, we will show every side quest, how to complete it and what reward you get from it.

Hunter Side Quests

The Hunter has 3 side quests and is located here:

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Side Quest #1: Shooting Predators

Reward: Rifle
Mission: Hunt any 5 Predators

Predators can be: Bears, Wolves or Foxes.
The bears and foxes are easier to find and here is where you can find them:

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Side Quest #2: Hunt

Reward: $200
Mission: Bring the Hunter 8 Wild Meat

Accept this quest along with the 1st one and just bring back the wild meat from the predators that you've killed.

Side Quest #3: Nimble Rabbits

Reward: $200
Mission: Bring back One Live Rabbit

When you catch a rabbit using the Left Mouse Key, you can only bring it back on foot since it cannot be placed on a car.

Here is the location of 3 of them:

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Old Lady Side Quests

The Old Lady has 3 quests and is located here:

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Side Quest #1: Cleaning

Reward: $300
Mission: Clean up the Garbage and Demolish the Old Windmill

Use the Crowbar to remove the trash and demolish the windmill.

Side Quest #2: Annoying Foxes

Reward: $200
Mission: Kill 2 Foxes

There are 4 foxes in the back of the old lady's property inside the fence.

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Side Quest #3: Breakfast

Reward: $180
Mission: Bring 6 Eggs and 2 Pork Meat

Put them near her and talk to her to get your reward.

Old Man Side Quests

The Old Man has 4 quests and is located here:

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Side Quest #1: Trailer Delivery

Reward: $120
Mission: Bring back the Fuel Trailer from the Gas Station

Put your vehicle in position and press "C" to attach the trailer.
It is possible to use the UTV (your first car) for this mission, but since the trailer is heavier, drive slowly to not slide off.

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Side Quest #2: Deconstruction

Reward: $400
Mission: Demolish the Old Barn

Use the Crowbar to demolish the barn.

Side Quest #3: Under Construction

Reward: $250
Mission: Bring 64 Wood Planks

You don't need to put them down from your car when you bring them, just park near the old man and talk to him to get your reward.

Side Quest #4: Treasures of the Ancients

Reward: $2500
Mission: Bring the Dagger, the Helmet and the Goblet to the old man

The Helmet:

The Helmet is inside a coffin in the location marked below.
You can reach the place using your car.

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The Goblet:

The Goblet is inside a black chest near the Gas Station

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The Dagger:

First, here is where you can find the Dagger

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Use the mission marker that shows the distance between you and the old man and have the distance be around 246m then get in the same position as shown below. The Dagger is planted in the ground.

You can also use the small island in the middle of the river as reference.

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Bring the 3 Items back to the old man to get your $2500.


After completing 5 Side Quests, the ones replayed included, you will earn the "Part Time Job" Achievement.

The End

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