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All Recordings and Notes

Posted Aug 11, 2023


Table of contents

1- Introduction 2- Achievements 3- Recordings and Notes 4- Whistleblower DLC Recordings and Notes

There are 31 Recordings in Outlast (main game) and another 18 Recordings in the Whistleblower DLC.

While pointing your camera towards specific locations and people, your character will write Notes describing what he sees and what he feels about it.

To read those Notes, press "N".

Completing the Recordings is not necessary to finish the game but you get Achievements if you choose to do so.


• Completing all Recordings (DLC included) will get you the "Legacy" Achievement;

• Completing 15 Recordings and Collecting 15 Documents will get you the "Educated" Achievement;

• Completing all Recordings and Collecting all Documents (main game only) will get you the "Pulitzer" Achievement;

Recordings and Notes

Chapter 1: Administration Block

1- Mount Massive Asylum

Point your camera at the Asylum.

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2- I'm Inside

Point your camera at the dying man and hear his last words.

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3- The Witness

Film the dead cop in the toilet stall beside the Security Room (that you need a Keycard for).

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4- Broken Men And Dead Television

Film the boys watching the dead TV.

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5- Big F***ing Guy

While hiding in the locker in the Security Room, film the pig guy.

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Chapter 2: Prison Block

6- Father Martin's Cell

Film the cell that you wake up in.

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7- Necromantic

After going through the gap in the cell in the lower level and going up, film the inmate with the dead body.

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8- Total Security

Film pig guy ripping an inmate's head off (before picking the key to the showers).

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9- Walrider

Film this room when you reach it.

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Chapter 3: Sewer

10- The Doctor Is Dead

Film this dude that says "What kind of experiments does a dead doctor perform on living patients?". (if you don't get the note, film the room around him).

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11- A Feast For Flies

Film the pile of corpses through the door glass before getting out of the bloody sewers using the stairs.

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Chapter 4: Male Ward

12- Organized Torture

After leaving the sewers and reaching the room with a man on a chair, go left to a dark room and film what's written on the wall using nightvision.

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13- Dr. Rick Trager

Film Trager killing his fellow executive. (hide under the bed)

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14- Death of Trager

Film dead Trager.

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15- Let It Burn

Film the dude in the burning cafeteria.

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16- Fingers

After putting out the fire in the cafeteria and reaching the kitchen, film the bowl of fingers in the side room.

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Chapter 5: Courtyard

17- The Thing In The Dark

After exiting the building and going through the door that needs a key, film the ghost with nightvision on.

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18- Don't Drink The Water

Film the bloody fountain before getting inside the building through the broken window.

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Chapter 6: Female Ward

19- The Sound In The Machine

Film the washing machine with the dark matter when you reach the laundry room.

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20- No Safe Place

After exiting the laundry room and reaching the elevator with the wheelchair in front of it, film the dead guy inside the elevator.

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21- Lies

After getting the key from the laundry room to the upper floor and progressing, film this room when you reach it (this is before meeting the twins and losing your camera).

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Chapter 7: Return to the Administration Block

22- The Wernicke Exit Interview

Record the film in the theater.

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23- Static Prayer

After reaching the 3rd floor and going through the cafeteria, enter this room and film the guy praying in front of the TV before going through the gap.

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24- The Passion Of Father Martin

Film the priest getting burned.

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Chapter 8: Underground Lab

25- Under The Mountain

After using the elevator, film the laboratory reception.

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26- Morphogenic Formula

Film the formula in lab J 666, the lab is opposite the window that gives view to the outside.

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27- Death Of The Soldier

Automatically filmed. witness the walrider taking care of pig guy.

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28- Wernicke's Machine

Film Wernicke's machine.

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29- Billy Hope

Film Billy's body in the bubble.

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30- Life Support

Film Billy's life support (this is before turning the valve).

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31- Death Of Hope

Film Billy's bloody bubble.

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And that's all the recordings in the main game.
Now, the Whistleblower DLC:

Whistleblower DLC Recordings and Notes

Chapter 1: Underground Lab

No recordings.

Chapter 2: Hospital

1- If I Die

Automatically recorded after picking the camera.

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2- A radio In The Prison

Record the two guards arguing after getting in the vent.

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3- The Doctors Are Sick

Film the inmate killing the doctor after pushing the button to open the door.

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4- In the Cannibal's Kitchen

Film the cannibal when you reach the kitchen.

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5- Varying Effects

After running away from the cannibal by going through the gap (you see people running away before seeing him), go to the next room then to the toilet to the left and film the inmate with the doctor in the middle toilet stall.

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Chapter 3: Recreation Area

6- Satisfaction

After turning off the gas and getting out of the building using the stairs, go right and point your camera towards the cannibal looking at you from the window.

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7- This Is What The Game Is

When you reach these stairs while outside, go left and film the guy playing basketball through the door to the right.

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Chapter 4: Prison

8- Down, down, down

Film the priest writing on the wall.

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Chapter 5: Drying Ground

9- Burning Lights

At some point you will reach an area with an electrical fence and you will need to turn off the electricity, after lowering the lever the first time, go back to the fence with your camera ready and film the power going back on.

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10- An Easy Way Out

After getting out of the pond using the ladder, there will be a hole in a fence that you need to crouch to pass through, have your camera ready to witness a patient jumping to his death.

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Chapter 6: Vocational Block

11- Wise Men

While in the attic, film the hanging body on your way.

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12- What Fresh Hell

Film this abomination after getting down from the attic.

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13- An Unwilling Bride

After getting saved by the inmate from Gluskin, film the saw-blade table.

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14- Blue Beard's Wives

After getting down from the vent, film the hanging corpses in the gym.

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15- A Widower

Film dead Gluskin.

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Chapter 7: Exit

16- A Burning Church

Film the burning church through the window.

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17- Serve And Protect

Film the soldiers surrounding Trager.

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18- Jeremy Blaire

Film Jeremy at the exit door before getting close to him.

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The End

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