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Meth Lab Complete Guide
(Income, Best Location and How to Buy)
GTA Online

Posted May 24, 2023
Updated Aug 24, 2024


Table of contents

1- Introduction 2- Best Meth Lab Location 3- How to Buy a Meth Lab 4- Setting up the Business 5- Supplies 6- Selling Stock 7- Meth Lab Income 8- Questions and Answers

A Methamphetamine Lab is one of the properties in GTA Online related to your Clubhouse that can be managed as a business to make income.
It can only be managed as MC President.

In this guide, we will explain what is the best location for it, how to buy one, how to make money through it and how much money you can make.
There will also be answers to questions related to this business at the end of the guide.

If you are new to businesses, read our General Guide on Businesses then our Guide on Clubhouses before proceeding with this guide.

Best Meth Lab Location

All Meth Labs are the same, they're just located differently;

We are going to choose the best location based on:
• The distance between the Meth Lab and stock selling points;
• The distance between the Meth Lab and the Arcade;
• Accessibility.

With that in mind, our winner is the El Burro Heights Meth Lab

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The Meth Lab needs to be in Los Santos where your Arcade is, so you can manage it along with the other illicit businesses in one place and be able to reach it in no time to sell your stock;

There are 2 Meth Labs in Los Santos, the closest to the highway to Blaine County is the El Burro Heights Meth Lab;
It's the most expensive but it is worth it.

How to Buy a Meth Lab

Once you buy a Clubhouse, you will be able to purchase 5 other properties that you can use to run 5 illicit businesses, one of them is the Meth Lab.

First, interact with the computer in your Clubhouse

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Click on "Methamphetamine", "Buy Business" and choose a location then click "Buy Now"

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Congratulations, now go to your Meth Lab to set up the business.

Setting up the Business

To start the business, access the computer in the Meth Lab and "Set Up" the business:

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Once you bring the supplies back, the business is started.

Your staff will gradually use the supplies to make the products and stock them for you to sell.

Once your Meth Lab runs out of supplies, the business is suspended until you steal or buy supplies.


To steal or buy Supplies, access the computer in your Meth Lab, press "Resupply" and click "Steal" or "Buy Supplies"

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It is recommended to always buy supplies to save time since the "steal supplies" missions are time consuming with low quantity of supplies acquired.

The amount you pay for supplies depends on current supplies level;
A 100% supplies level costs $75,000.

Selling Stock

To sell Stock, access the computer in your Meth Lab and press "Sell Stock"

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Now select a selling option;
The 2 options are either to sell to Los Santos or to Blaine County;
The difference is just the distance, therefore, always sell to the furthest location to get the most money.

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There are no bonuses if you wait to sell a higher level of stock.

Full Stock Level:

Once your Meth Lab reaches full stock level, the business is suspended until you sell your stock.

Having to sell a larger amount of stock might require you to deliver multiple vehicles, but it's possible even while playing solo.

Delivery Missions:

There are 7 possible delivery missions:
• Delivering 1 Truck;
• Delivering n Trash Trucks;
• Delivering n Post-Office Vans;
• Delivering n Bikes;
• Delivering n Helicopters;
• Delivering n Sea Planes;
• Delivering n Boats.
(n depends on stock level)

What delivery mission you get is random;
The best one is to deliver 1 truck to 1 location regardless of stock level, as for the others:

• If Stock level is higher than 50%, you will need to deliver 3 Trash Trucks or 3 Post-Office Vans or 4 Bikes or 3 Helicopters or 3 Sea Planes or 3 Boats;
• If Stock level is between 25% and 50%, you will need to deliver 2 vehicles (n=2);
• If Stock level is lower than 25%, you will need to deliver 1 vehicle (n=1);

If you don't deliver all vehicles, you only get paid for the ones you delivered.

The worst delivery mission is the Post-Office Vans one; they are very slow and you will need all the time to deliver them solo if stock is more than 50% full;
If you don't mind losing a bit of products, go to a new session and start again to get another delivery mission.

You can have other players help you deliver the vehicles if they become your prospects before launching the stock selling mission, check our Guide on Businesses on how to add Prospects to your Motorcycle Club.

Meth Lab Income

Meth Lab Upgrades:

Before talking about income we need to explain Meth Lab Upgrades; there are 3:

Equipment Upgrade:
Will speed up manufacturing and improve stock value and allow supplies to stretch further.

Staff Upgrade:
Will speed up manufacturing and improve stock value.

Security Upgrade:
Will lower the likelihood of your Meth Lab getting attacked.

You can purchase the upgrades using the computer in your Meth Lab.

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Meth Lab Income:

The income of this business is:

With No Upgrades:
$68,850 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the furthest location;
$45,900 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the closest location.
(Stock Level after manufacturing = 20% Full)

With Staff Upgrade only:
$79,050 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the furthest location;
$52,700 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the closest location.
(Stock Level after manufacturing = 20% Full)

With Equipment Upgrade only:
$158,100 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the furthest location;
$105,400 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the closest location.
(Stock Level after manufacturing = 40% Full)

With Both Upgrades:
$178,500 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the furthest location;
$119,000 per $75,000 worth of supplies if delivered to the closest location.
(Stock Level after manufacturing = 40% Full)

As you can see, you need to at least have the Equipment Upgrade to make decent profit if you only choose to buy supplies.

Questions and Answers

Is Buying a Meth Lab Worth It?

Yes, but it is not what you should focus on starting up.
The best way to make money as of now is by doing the Cayo Perico Heist where you will make more than 1 million per run but, you will need to buy the $2.2 million Submarine first.

The second best way to make money is to run the Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid with the help of Vincent; this will make you $500,000 per run. Go to "V" on the map to start preparing for the raid.

After getting enough money from that, this is the order you should buy the 5 illicit businesses in based on their income:
1# Cocaine Lockup
2# Counterfeit Cash Factory
3# Weed Farm
4# Methamphetamine Lab
5# Document Forgery Office.

Keep in mind that you will need to purchase at least the equipment upgrade for these businesses to make decent profit as explained in their respective guides.

Public Session or Private Session

If you start the mission to sell your stock while playing in a Public Session, a signal will be sent to all players in the session showing your location on the map;

The player that destroys your cargo will be awarded some money and RP.

To avoid risking to lose all the profit, launch the stock selling mission in an Invite Only Session or a Closed Friend Session and you will only deal with the AI.

Here is how to get in a Private Session:
Press "Escape" then click on "Online" >
"Find New Session" >
"Closed Friend Session" or "Invite Only Session".

Can I Change the Location of my Meth Lab?

Yes, just access the computer in your Clubhouse and trade the one you own for the one you want (you won't need to pay full price);
Keep in mind that you will lose any supplies or products remaining in the property, plus, any upgrade you have purchased.

Can I Sell my Meth Lab?

No, there is no way to sell a Meth Lab once bought, you can only trade it for another one.

How to Manage All My Businesses in One Place?

The Arcade, another business, has an upgrade called the Master Control Terminal, by using it you can manage all your businesses in one place, like buying supplies, selling stock, launching business related jobs...etc.

These are the businesses you can manage through the Arcade Master Control Terminal:

Cocaine Lockup
Counterfeit Cash Factory
Document Forgery Office
Methamphetamine Lab
Weed Farm
Vehicle Warehouse
Cargo Warehouse.

The End

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