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How to Change your Vehicle License Plate
GTA 5 Story Mode or GTA Online

Posted Oct 11, 2022


In GTA Online or GTA 5 Story Mode, it is possible to change the license plate code of your car or motorcycle.

Simply download the "iFruit" app on the Play Store or the App Store, sign in using your Social Club account and follow the steps below.


Click on "LS Customs"

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Click on "Plates"

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Type down your license code (8 characters max.) and choose a background then click on "Garage"

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Every vehicle of each character has its own license plate. If you have multiple vehicles on your GTA Online character, swipe left or right over the tab to find the right vehicle and follow the steps above

After customizing your license plate, click "Order" (First time is free)

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Click "Accept"

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You will get these 2 messages

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In the game, you will receive a message from LS Customs to drop by to receive your order

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Using the specific vehicle, go to "LS Customs" and "Process App Order"

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Done. Your license plate has been changed.

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The End

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