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Epsilon Tracts Locations and Reward
in GTA 5 Story Mode

Posted Oct 11, 2022


Epsilon Tracts are 10 Collectibles in GTA 5 Story Mode.
After 24 hours of completing the last Epsilon mission, Marnie will send you a message asking you to collect them.

The Epsilon Tracts can only be collected in order, once you collect a tract, Marnie will send you a text with a hint for the next one's location.

Collecting the Epsilon Tracts is NOT a requirement for the 100% Game Completion.

Epsilon Tracts locations:

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Epsilon Tract #1:

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Epsilon Tract #2:

"Where the first of the fleet succumbed to the waves, there the message is seeded."

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Epsilon Tract #3:

"When they sail from the North, they will find this offering."

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Epsilon Tract #4:

"In the core of the mountain, where the blast is not felt, there you shall find it."

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Epsilon Tract #5:

"In the rubble of the old religion, will be the basis for the new."

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Epsilon Tract #6:

"Where the first fleet sailed, the new fleet will find its map."

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Epsilon Tract #7:

"What dwelling is worthy of Kraff? He is humble, yet we exalt him."

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Epsilon Tract #8:

"We are not dinosaurs, nor plants, but a tree in the jet stream may hold Kraff's true word"

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Epsilon Tract #9:

"The tallest obelisk of glass and steel holds no comparison to the word of Kraff."

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Epsilon Tract #10:

"Where the discard their earthly prisons, there you may find the germ of a higher civilization."

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As a reward for collecting the 10 Tracts, you get nothing of value, Marnie will just send you a link to the full tract on the Epsilon website.

The End

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