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How to Achieve 100% Game Completion
GTA V Story Mode

Posted Oct 11, 2022


You may have noticed whenever you save your game a percentage to the right of your save file, that percentage shows how close you are to complete what is called the "100% Game Completion".

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"100% Game Completion" doesn't necessarily mean completing everything the game has to offer, you just need to complete specific Missions and Challenges and below we show you which ones.

The Requirements:

The Requirements to achieve 100% Game Completion are as follows:

• Complete All 69 Story Missions;
• Complete 42 Specific Hobbies and Pastimes Missions;
• Complete 20 Specific Strangers and Freaks Missions;
• Complete Any 14 Random Events;
• Complete 16 Specific Misc Missions.

An easy way to know what Missions or Challenges you're missing is by using this Social Club link while logged into your account:

The specific missions or challenges are marked with a colored left bar, for example, see how there are 42 challenges with a colored left bar out of the 61 Hobbies and Pastimes Challenges in the image below:

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Check our GTA 5 Guides for help on the different Missions and Challenges like Letter Scraps and Spaceship Parts Locations.


Once you achieve the "100% Game Completion", you get the Achievement "Career Criminal".

The End

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